May 15 2012

Side Note: Today we broke the record with London. Today at first was a beautiful, sunny day but then it rained all throughout the day and it was recorded in history, that today was the day that London broke the record for having the most rain, ever!

Place we visited: Bath, England
Cheers! :D
How is everyone doing? :) I hope all is well! :D
We had a wonderful day today. Train ride from London to visit Bath, and it was very memorable, Bath is a wonderful place to visit while one is in the United Kingdom and/or England. :) We all enjoyed the day, the Roman Bath Museum and the shopping. :)

Early morning, 6am, sunrise. :)

Some animals that live near our residence, in Regents Park.

 Today is was recorded that one of our [Wolfe] Pack Members, removed the boot that was being worn for months straight while the ankle healed. Today was the day to be recorded, that member walked everywhere without the boot. :')
So proud! :)

Bath, England

 Getting ready to departure on the bus to sight see the city. :)

 The Roman Baths Musuem

Roman baths were part of the day-to-day life in Ancient Rome. Bath in Somerset, contains one of the best examples of a Roman bath complex in Europe. There are two  good examples at Pompeii.Roman houses had water supplied via lead pipes. However, these pipes were taxed according to their size, so many houses had just a basic supply and could not hope to rival a bath complex. Therefore for personal hygiene, people went to the local baths. However, the local bath complex was also a gathering point and served a very useful community and social function. Here people could relax, keep clean and keep up with the latest news.
Taking a bath was not a simple chore. There was not one bath to use in a large complex such as the one at Bath. A visitor could use a cold bath (the frigidarium), a warm bath (the tepidarium) and a hot bath (the caldarium). A visitor would spend some of his time in each one before leaving. A large complex would also contain an exercise area (the palaestra), a swimming pool and a gymnasium. One of the public baths at Pompeii contains two tepidariums and caldariums along with a plunge pool and a large exercise area.
The building of a bath complex required excellent engineering skills. Baths required a way of heating up water. This was done by using a furnace and the hypocaust system carried the heat around the complex. 
Source: Trueman, Chris. "Roman Baths." Roman Baths. 2000. Web. 21 May 2012. <>.

 Bath Water that was warmed to the temperature the Romans would set to drink and bathe in during their "Bath" times. :)

Overall, today was a wonderful day, the weather was ranging from rainy and cloudy, to sunny, then partly cloudy/sunny, then torrential downpour on our way home on the Train. Gladly we were happy with everything that we bought, ate, examined, and learned about that day! :) It was a beautiful day all around! :)
Take care everyone!
Stay tuned! :)

"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."


~Lucky :) <3

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